HUMAN was created as an effort to establish a connection with myself (HUMAN Guy) and those that I've lost. It was officially published and distributed out to the world on July 24th, 2017, the day that would change my destiny forever. 

Beginning my spiritual journey or my journey into adulthood I had began hours of research which had lead me down an interesting path of creation and implemenation. I began to ask myself about the true forces that shape our reality and what I came to is experiences. Experiences shape us, they provide us with the necesarry information to become who we are destined to be, assuming we act accordingly. Choice is instrumental to living a good life, how do we provide the proper experiences to live an authentic HUMAN life? What can I as an individual do to serve people in their quest for living the ultimate HUMAN experience? 

It is these questions that guide me on my path for liberation. Please support HUMAN achieve liberation for those in need.

The mission for HUMAN is to create community hubs that provide resources for individuals in low income areas. Taking care of diabilities, mental health, environmental clean up, etc., the list is circumstancial. 

We are still in the early stages of development and have a long way to go but the goal is clear and the path is being walked upon. 

Join me, support me, live well and stay HUMAN.

Thank you. 

Enrique "HUMAN Guy" Rosario
